Healthy Environment

Burjeel Holdings recognizes that the well-being of its communities is deeply intertwined with the health of the environment. For this reason, the Group has established ambitious environmental targets while simultaneously adhering to best practices for energy use, waste reduction, and the mitigation of environmental impacts across all its operations.

Environmental Approach

The Group’s environmental approach is guided by its commitment to fostering the overall well-being of its stakeholders. This is achieved through maintaining a clean environment, promoting sustainable living, and making a positive impact on health, while also conserving natural resources for future generations.

Commitment to Carbon Neutrality

Burjeel Holdings recognizes the importance of striving towards the reduction of carbon emissions globally in order to reduce the impact of climate change. To demonstrate its dedication to this mission, the Group has committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2040.

Managing Emissions

As part of the Group’s efforts to achieving carbon neutrality, Burjeel Holdings has established several targets related to GHG emissions, these include:

  • Developing mid-term targets for a reduction in combined Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 2024
  • Developing a strategy for accounting for Scope 3 carbon emissions by 2025
kg CO₂eDirect GHG emission patient intensity (-10%)

Energy Use

Optimizing energy management is primary objective for Burjeel Holdings, as it not only reduces operational costs and enhances fiscal sustainability but also reinforces commitment to environmental stewardship.

The Group has implemented a number of initiatives to achieve these objectives, ranging from the full automation of HVAC operations to the introduction of electric car charging stations.

MWhElectricity consumption (-5% YoY)

Water Use

Aware of the importance of water conservation, Burjeel Holdings is dedicated to responsible water use, launching initiatives to decrease consumption and promote sustainable practices.

The Group has set the following targets on water use:

  • Reduce water consumption by 10% by 2030
  • Reuse 5% of consumed water annually
km³Water consumption (-29% YoY)

Waste Management

Effective waste management is a fundamental priority for the Group as it relates to the protection of patients, employees, and the environment. Burjeel Holdings continuously improves and updates its waste management protocols, especially of hazardous waste, as such actions help prevent the spread of infections and diseases.

Medical Waste Management

Medical waste consists of materials capable of causing harm, diseases, or injury to humans or the environment, if inappropriately disposed. Although 99.9% of all the generated waste is non-hazardous across the Group’s operations, effectively managing the remaining 0.1% of hazardous waste is a crucial part of the Burjeel Holdings waste management commitments.

All of the Group’s hospitals and medical centers have policies and procedures in place regarding biomedical waste, fully compliant to the Department of Health, federal, and local regulations for medical waste management.

Medical waste generated (-3% YoY)

Responding to Climate Risks

Preparing for potential climate risks is a crucial aspect of the Group’s environmental priorities, as it is important to maintain continuous care during extreme weather events and natural disasters. Such preparation helps protect patient health, manage increased demands for medical services, and safeguard vital resources and infrastructure.