Healthy Governance

A robust and meticulously designed corporate governance approach stands as the bedrock of organizational integrity and sustainable success. Ensuring that the Group adheres to highest standards of governance, aligned to legal and regulatory frameworks, as well as promoting responsible and ethical business practices, is a fundamental objective.

Anti-corruption and Whistleblowing

Burjeel Holdings strives to conduct all business activities responsibly, efficiently, transparently and with integrity towards all stakeholders. In this mission, preventing corruption and bribery as well as providing comprehensive whistleblowing channels, are crucial aspects of the Group’s commitment to solid governance.

By promoting transparency and integrity in financial transactions and operational practices, Burjeel Holdings ensures that resources are directed exclusively towards patient care and well-being. Meanwhile the Group’s whistleblowing policy sets forth the course of action should such transparency be absent in any part of Group operations.

Data breaches, corruption or bribery and whistleblowing cases

Human Rights

Burjeel Holdings is committed to conducting its business in a manner that respects and promotes the human rights and dignity of all those within its sphere of influence. The Group avoids complicity in human rights abuses throughout its operations and relationships, including on matters relating to child and forced labor.

Protecting Patient Data

Ensuring the confidentiality and safety of patient data is an important consideration for the Group, both regarding regulatory compliance and safeguarding our stakeholders. For protecting the Protected Health Information (PHI) and Personally Identifiable Information (PII), Burjeel Holdings has deployed a high-level IT security policy that defines the level of security measures being taken at Group-level, along with an acceptable usage policy.
