What is an investor number (NIN) with ADX?

A NIN is an investor identification number that is used by ADX through which all transaction on the exchange can be initiated included clearing, settlement and trading transaction. All subscribers to the IPO required a NIN to apply for shares.

How do I create an investor number (NIN) to subscribe to the IPO?

Investors can apply for the issuance of an investor number on Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange through one of the following service channels:

  • SAHMI digital platform (for Emirates ID card holders with UAE Pass)
  • Accredited Brokerage Firms
  • Customer service offices at all branches of the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange.

The following documents are required to issue a NIN:


  • Original Emirates ID card. (For UAE citizens and residents holding Emirates identity)
  • Passport and ID card from the country of residence for foreigners not residing in the Emirates and an International Bank Account Number (IBAN) letter, providing that the bank account is solely in the name of the applicant and not a joint bank account


  • A valid trade license copy (original for review )
  • Company incorporation contract
  • Company’s Board of Director members list for the last certified/audited period
  • A Letter with the list of all authorized signatories
  • International Bank Account Number (IBAN) letter

Investment Portfolios:

  • Letter of Approval issued by the Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates to start portfolio activity
  • A copy of the commercial license of the issuer of the portfolio (original for review )
  • List of names and signatures of authorised people from the portfolio, with clarification of powers
  • Portfolio Prospectus
  • International Bank Account Number (IBAN) letter

Free Zones:

  • A copy of the free zone license (original for review)
  • A list of the company’s board members for the last certified period
  • A letter with the list of authorised signatories
  • International Bank Account Number (IBAN) letter

For more information please visit www.adx.ae