Who will be able to buy shares in Burjeel Holdings?

The offering comprises up to 550,729,221 shares split into two tranches.

The First Tranche of the offering, comprising 10% of the offer, will be open to individual subscribers and other investors who do not qualify as Professional Investors. A NIN with ADX and bank account number in the UAE is required for applying for shares.

The Second Tranche of the offering, comprising 90% of the offer, will be open to Professional Investors. A NIN with ADX is required however a bank account in the UAE is not required.

When is the subscription period?

Subscriptions will open on 30 September 2022, with First and Second Tranche Investor subscriptions closing on 4 October 2022. The final offer price announcement is expected to be made on 5 October 2022.

How does the subscription process work?

Please visit the dedicated section on the Burjeel Holdings IPO webpage ‘How to Subscribe’ for information on how to apply for shares through the receiving banks or ADX ePortal.

What is an investor number (NIN) with ADX?

A NIN is an investor identification number that is used by ADX through which all transaction on the exchange can be initiated included clearing, settlement and trading transaction. All subscribers to the IPO required a NIN to apply for shares.

How do I create an investor number (NIN) to subscribe to the IPO?

Investors can apply for the issuance of an investor number on Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange through one of the following service channels:

  • SAHMI digital platform (for Emirates ID card holders with UAE Pass)
  • Accredited Brokerage Firms
  • Customer service offices at all branches of the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange.

The following documents are required to issue a NIN:


  • Original Emirates ID card. (For UAE citizens and residents holding Emirates identity)
  • Passport and ID card from the country of residence for foreigners not residing in the Emirates and an International Bank Account Number (IBAN) letter, providing that the bank account is solely in the name of the applicant and not a joint bank account


  • A valid trade license copy (original for review )
  • Company incorporation contract
  • Company’s Board of Director members list for the last certified/audited period
  • A Letter with the list of all authorized signatories
  • International Bank Account Number (IBAN) letter

Investment Portfolios:

  • Letter of Approval issued by the Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates to start portfolio activity
  • A copy of the commercial license of the issuer of the portfolio (original for review )
  • List of names and signatures of authorised people from the portfolio, with clarification of powers
  • Portfolio Prospectus
  • International Bank Account Number (IBAN) letter

Free Zones:

  • A copy of the free zone license (original for review)
  • A list of the company’s board members for the last certified period
  • A letter with the list of authorised signatories
  • International Bank Account Number (IBAN) letter

For more information please visit www.adx.ae

Which banks can I subscribe for shares through?

For eligible First Tranche investors, First Abu Dhabi Bank PJSC has been appointed as the lead receiving bank.  

For eligible Second Tranche investors, orders have to be submitted through the Lead Manager, Dubai Islamic Bank PJSC. 

  • Eligible Investors can place orders with the Lead Manager using the subscription form or the link sent by the Lead Manager. 
  • The Lead Manager will collect the Order Forms accompanying documents, Eligible Investor’s NIN, and funds from Eligible Investors and share the orders details to the Lead Receiving Bank during the subscription period.  
  • Allocation will be decided by the Company in accordance with the Allocation Policy set out in this Prospectus and communicated to the Lead Receiving Bank. 
  • The Lead Manager, will collect the funds, as required, from each Eligible Investor who has placed an order during the Subscription Period. 
  • Once the allocation of shares has been finalised and communicated to the Lead Manager for the subscription orders received by them, the Lead Manager will transfer the allocated capital funds to the Lead Receiving Bank as a single payment. 


Burjeel Holdings continues to focus on minimizing the environmental impact of its operations, with dedicated site programs related to greenhouse gas reduction, waste management and reducing other impacts. The group complies with all applicable legal and regulatory environmental standards to best serve patients, visitors, employees and the environment, following best practice in the management of energy usage and consumption, and the disposal of waste.

The group aims to achieve:

  • Carbon neutrality by 2030
  • Sustainable use and re-use of water by 2030
  • Zero waste to landfill by 2030

Recently completed environmental projects include:

  • Fully automated HVAC operation: Complete HVAC operations from chiller plant to the field units are operated through the logical program in the BMS system. This ensures staging of Chillers, pumps, AHUs, FAHUs, FCUs etc. to minimum required load based on actual demand.
  • Centralized solar water heating system: Centralized solar water heater system includes solar collector panels at the roof level of all the towers.


Burjeel Holdings is committed to supporting, protecting, serving and engaging with key stakeholders including employees, physicians, patients and the communities served. The group proudly provides meaningful contributions in many ways, making a positive and lasting impact.

Some of Burjeel Holdings’ recent social initiatives include:

  • Over 10,000 free mammograms for breast cancer awareness and screening through a dedicated mobile mammography unit since 2010.
  • Donations to the Indian Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund for Jammu & Kashmir Flood Victims.


Burjeel Holdings is committed to the highest levels of governance and in 2022 appointed a Board of Directors with significant international industry and governance experience to help guide the company through its next phase of expansion. This Board of Directors is supported by an Audit Committee, a Nomination and Remuneration Committee and a Clinical and Medical Advisory Committee.

The Clinical and Medical Advisory Committee will provide support and advice to the Board in relation to programs for clinical pathways, the standardisation of care, the identification of best-practice standards, quality and patient safety related KPIs and quality improvement programs. It shall also support and advise on training, mentoring and development, and provide a connection to, and ongoing exchange of information and ideas with, practitioners in the field and other external contacts.

Across all its brands and businesses, Burjeel Holdings has implemented effective and transparent governance frameworks, in line with best in class standards and regulatory requirements.

Unique vision and strategy focused on quality and clinical excellence

  • The Group focuses on attracting, training and developing the best and most innovative consultants to drive medical advancements in the MENA region, through a unique culture of “physician-led” practices.
  • The Group’s strong clinical team has been responsible for the Group’s growth to date and remains committed to delivering quality and clinical excellence going forward.
  • The Group has been developing highly specialised, complex and personalised services in oncology, orthopaedics and spine, woman care and paediatrics.

Large, attractive and resilient growth markets

  • The UAE and Oman healthcare markets benefit from strong fundamentals and growth drivers which support the Group’s expansion.
  • The UAE and Oman increased their healthcare expenditure from U.S.$12.4 billion and U.S.$2.9 billion, respectively, in 2016, to U.S.$18.0 billion and U.S.$3.5 billion, respectively, in 2021. They are expected to further expand healthcare investments to U.S.$34.0 billion and U.S.$5.3 billion, respectively, by 2031.